Be who you are!!!!!!

Always be who you are, it doesn't matter if you are "cool" or not but everyone has a place in this world and the sooner you find out where that place is the better off you will be! So be who you are and never be ashamed... Because as soon as you get down on your self you are just going to get kicked around. Keep your head up and be happy. Be who ever you are!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My brother!!!!

My brothers name is Kai David DeLap as I said he is 14 just about to be 15. When we were little I thought he was the nicest big brother in the world and no one was as awesome as he was. We would play cops and robbers with friends we would play taxi on my dads bike we would go exploring in the forest. It was a blast but the past to years and with me going into 7Th grade and with Kai going into high school things don't really work that way anymore the only way we "play" is if I go play golf at the golf coarse and even there he barley talks to me. Or if we play catch with the softball or baseball. It pretty much has to be some sort of sport. My brother also just recently got interested in girls which is surprising because in 6Th and 7Th grade he showed no interest in girls. He now has a girls friend Kelsey Cascadia Rose Juliana she is one of my friends and she is super good for Kai. I feel happy for them both. But me and Kai don't get along. Only just today he tried to sit on me cuz I was mad at him. All of this is part of growing up but i am already sick of it. I am sick of fighting with him but i have to fight back because I refuse to lie down to him. I don't have a sister to hold me when i cry or to talk to me about boys but I have Kai and i guess that's all i need. Kai may be a big pain in the butt at times but at other he is just me wonder full big brother!

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